Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Watching TV

So today is the first time since we've moved in that I'm able to sit down, spod online, and watch random Netflix at the same time. It's been a long time coming.

I've had my computer running at the old place so the MCE could continue to record TV shows like Caprica while we were busy moving into the new. Then I had to time switching over my cable service and start new Internet service and transporting my computer back here and reconnecting it. So it took quite some time.

--- begin Comcast rant ---

I really dislike dealing with Comcast. You can't help but feel like you're being tortured in some dark medieval fashion. When I first got my HDTV some time ago they used to have incentives to get people to switch to HD programming. For a mere $5 on top of any service you had, you could receive the HD equivalent of your current channel line-up. That was a really good deal.

Then I moved to Alviso, where cable television did not exist. It took some two years before Comcast began to roll out service there. I immediately asked for the basic cable service (no digital box) with HD programming. I talked to three different reps, and they all said the same thing, "Comcast never had that sort of service ever." Every time I had to deal with Comcast to complain about bad service, I'd ask about the HD content. Even people who said they've worked there for more than three years gave me that same line. One day when I called to complain about the cable service, I got a really nice lady who finally told me that they had discontinued that service. So you cannot get decent digital programming without the evil digital box on Comcast.

So what used to be "basic" cable service, isn't actually referred to by Comcast employees as "basic" cable service. It's a "special" limited service. All "standard" services you must use the evil digital cable box and Comcast employees will fight you tooth and nail in order for you to get at least the "basic" cable service with evil digital cable box. They'll ply you with "special" offers that will eventually go away in a few months.

Why pay for a "special" offer that will last such a short time compared to years of continued service? Who in their right mind wants to go through the pain of having to downgrade their service after the special offer expires?

I prefer the $12/month cable service, with no evil digital cable box. The "basic" standard service with evil digital cable box starts at almost 3x that amount. I do not need movie channels, nor the on demand programming. I can use an Microsoft Media Center to DVR what I want.

Comcast should be in the business of simply providing programming, not providing DVRs. DVRs drive Comcast's business and not programming. So they've limited their programming in order to get a premium on their DVR service. And they can do this because they are a monopoly. There is no one else to compete with them on programming since they are the only game in town. They can do whatever they want.

Actually you do get some extra HD content with their "special" less-than-basic cable service. But you are at the mercy of Comcast which channels they let you see in HD. By law, they have to provide the OTA signal you are generally supposed to receive by antenna. I would like to see History, and Discovery channel in HD but that isn't offered with my service. Comcast recently allowed SyFy HD through so for that I am thankful.

But I would love to have that option to pay for the HD channels of the line-up I currently have, like I once did, despite every Comcast employee telling me that no service ever existed even though it did. I should not have to pay for an evil digital cable box to get those channels.

--- end Comcast rant ---

Anyway, the MCE is sitting on the floor with wires making a nice rats nest surrounding it and the TV. It is not all quite there, but it's passable for a more normal mode of operation for me.

Needless to say, blog postings should become more regular now that I can login to the Internet.

... stay tuned.

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