Thursday, March 4, 2010

Basic Wiring Techniques

So a couple days ago, I had mentioned earlier that I had bought the book, "Your Old Wiring" by David E. Shapiro. It's a meaty book and I like it very much. It explains theory very well, and brings to bear the author's many years of experience.

But I'd also like to draw attention to another book I wasn't sure about. It came recommended on a web page somewhere lost along my surfing. It is: "Basic Wiring Techniques" by Steve George and John Lowe.
This book is the cat's meow. It comes with lots of pictures, and for my particular experience and knowledge of electricity it's the perfect way to help me gain the overall big picture.

Despite reading about how panels work many times and in many places, this book explained to me in two drawings or less. That's impressive.

However, the book is a bit dated (1994). NEC code is updated every 3 years. But this covers the basics and that hasn't changed much. Everyone needs to learn the basics somewhere.

After reading this book, I can go back and refer to something like "Your Old Wiring" and the NEC handbook for details and understand what they're talking about.

So I've been making a list of things I'll need to purchase before I undertake rewiring the Money Pit:
  • fish tape
  • power drill with 3/4" spade (or bit)
  • chisel to chip plaster
  • saber saw
  • alligator clips for my DMM
  • black, white, green electrical tape
And of course, a whole lotta Romex (NM cable).

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